Sunday, January 10, 2010

Look Beyond What You SEE

(this photo is taken from Palawan Photo Blogs-a group in Facebook)

Inspiration comes from everywhere. Its a thing that we just feel anytime and anywhere. Sometimes it surprises us and dictates our actions to do something unusual and unexpected. Like a robot, being controlled by a remote control, intense emotions have its own power to overrule the mind, feelings, and actions.

As I browse some blogs, I found a photo from a group in Facebook in which I am a member, a photo of a young lady watching the sunset under a tree in the middle of the sea. This photo is so amazing! The fact that I really love sunset. For me, its one of the sources of my inspiration. The number one source I guess.

Every time I watch a sunset, or even just looking at photos of it, there are stories that just create a new dimension in my mind. I see new perspectives, and new ideas, as if I am searching for them, they just come and gives me an extraordinary kind of strength. Strength that I don't know where I'll use for. Its within me, and it keeps me alive. And all I know is, I should make things, I should add something to this world. But its not only me, it should be we. It is we whom will make our world better. Better than we imagined before.