Monday, December 21, 2009

True Love gets Tired, and gets on Track

Another day of December, its 21st now. I've been thinking, what will happen tomorrow? the next day? to the future? Are the things happening right now are really meant to happen?

These are the questions in my mind right now. Something is bothering me. I want to talk to someone just to kill the time. I don't want to stay in my room, I want to go out and explore new things. I want to spend my time to the people that makes me happy. Friends, yep, they are included in the list. Girlfriend, I don't have one. But I want to be with my previous girlfriend.

It sounds hilarious, to know that I still have feelings for her despite of almost two years of break up. I don't know what happened to me. I don't know why I can not move on from the past. I tried my best to forget everything. But it kills me every time I do it. Am I an emo? crazy? or what? Actually I don't care on what people say about me. All I know is, its hard to forget.

Last time, when I was updating my Facebook account, I found something interesting application. Its about quotations about love. What I got was this "True love never surrenders. It might get tired but little rest is enough to love again even better cause true love would never complain, it would always find way to understand pain."
It struck me. Like, wow! cool! And now I'm holding onto it. Its like having hope form being hopeless.

Now, I'm hoping again, that someday, we will be together.